Thursday, February 19, 2009

Killer Whale MEK April 08

I couldn't believe it when I saw you again
I bit my lip as my knees began to shake
Your eyes met mine and my heart started the race
Flying, Spilling, Spinning all across the floor
Of all the words I've held so close I couldn't think of one to say....

I hold my heart, my chest, your love is a killer whale
I couldn't believe it when I saw you again
A love~sick relapse torture
So sweet, so sad, and true

I'd follow you like a puppy if you'd take me to your bed
I know I've expired and there's no chance in such a dream

My dreams are cloudy and they fill up most of my days
I paint us wearing white and sharing your last name

I lay my head against the freezing window of the plane
There must be six million lights shining down below
And I'd pay any price if just one would lead me home to you

I hold my chest, my heart
Your love is a killer whale
A love~sick relapse torture 
So sweet, so sad, and true

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